The handover was planned and took place on 14 February. What a great Valentine’s gift for each other.

For those who are now thinking about how to top that next year, let me tell you: when all the difficulties have been overcome and we will be safely on our way (toi, toi, toi), we won’t even notice that it’s Valentine’s Day again 😉

Unfortunately, however, the boat was not yet ready to sail on the day of handover. In part, this is because we had still commissioned fittings that deviated from the standard, in part, some things were still missing and there is a list of touch-ups.
Nothing earth-shattering – it already swims – but overall there is still something missing from the joy about the new home.

While the boat continued to be fitted out, we enjoyed La Rochelle in beautiful weather and moved our things onto the SAN:

The globe must not be missing. There we can see where we are going 😉 and quickly recognise the boat at night at the anchorage.

We didn’t get the anchor and chain from NEEL, it was delivered specially and we put it on.